Registering for Residents & Visitors Permits
In order to register for residents permits you should visit your parking operators MiPermit portal and go to the 'Buy Digital Permits' section.
What information is needed to register?
Parking operators require different information from you depending on where you live. In most cases, you should have at hand the following information:
- Your full name
- Your house number and postcode
- Your council tax number (this may be required to ensure you are the occupant of the address you are purchasing permits for)
Purchasing your permits
You can purchase residents or visitor permits at any time. When logged in to a MiPermit portal, go to 'Buy Digital Permits' and select the type of permits you require.
Once you have purchased your permits you can use them immediately by logging in to your MiPermit portal and going to the "Manage Digital Permits" section.